

It seems like this discussion every whether among the house owner. If you are a new house owner or even you are looking for a more effective method to clean your house exterior, you need to know how to do it. There are two major options that inform you, a high-pressure cleaning method or a soft washing method. Either one of these methods has its own features and usability, but which is the best one for washing your roof? And what happens if you choose the wrong one? Here is some insiders tip regarding your house washing method;

Soft washing is a gentle approach

The soft washing technique incorporates the biodegradable detergent material. This detergent is safe when being used over any of the house structure substances. The detergents include ammonia, sodium hydroxide, bleach, and another similar alkaline surfactant. it creates a resistance effect while giving a deeper cleaning to your home’s exterior;

  • Under the shingle 

Incorporating the use of strong detergents help to promote the long-lasting substances used in your home building; for example, your roof. The creepy microorganism grows in the dark and moist area under the shingle of your roof. Not only do they feed on its material but also they keep it constantly moist. This eventually causes the rotting of your roof material.

  • Disinfecting 

We continuously disinfect inside our homes; bathrooms, kitchen, floors, and walls. But what about outside? Chances are if you have a mushroom growing outside your walls, you are breathing the air-exposed spores. Similarly, some bacteria are transmitted through air. If your roof and walls have created the perfect breeding grounds for these bacteria, your health may be in danger.

The soft washing method can help you to prevent such health issues by disinfecting your roof. Due to constant exposure of your home exterior to carrier conditions such as; bird feces, wind, storm residues, dead of leaves, and twigs. These factors give continuous renewal chances to this microorganism. With the help of regular soft cleaning, you can control their growth under hazardous levels.

The same feature of soft washing comes to help create a longer life for the exterior of your home by keeping it not-free.

Pressure washing and pressurized method

Pressure washing as the name states uses pressure as it PowerPoint to clean. A pressure washing cleaning is a device that is attached to a pressure inducing nozzle. Most of these cleaners use hot water regulation in their usability. Due to the widespread use of water, most of these cleaners come with hot water settings only. You can purchase one from the local hardware store in your area. Although it is not recommended to use this cleaning method to wash your exterior.

This mode of washing was originally invented to fight off inorganic debris. It is useful if you are trying to get off some inorganic matter off the floor of your garage and sidewalk; solvent, petroleum products, and other similar substances

However, the roof, wall and exterior of your house are subjected to organic debris; algae, moss, dirt, fungus, and bacteria are some mentionable common debris found in the house facade.

This device also uses a very high-pressure force; the general force design for these cleaners is about 1000-4000 PSI. various machines have different forces and temperatures incorporated with them. The pressure is their only cleaning tool; there is no use of the substance involved.

What can go wrong if I use a power washing cleaner to clean my house exterior?

Some materials are sensitive and vulnerable when they are pressurized under such leaves of water pressure. Here is a list of the possible damaged material in your home;

  • Wood material

Wood is considered a brittle substance. Brittle material is not flexible when placed under pressure. Based on the nature of the wood itself, it can chip off, crack, get grooved patterns on partial parts of the surface or completely all over. It is best to avoid pressurizing water spraying over wood materials generally.

  • Sliding and vinyl material;

This is a dangerous exposure. Vanilla material is even more brittle than the food itself. It may crack, chip off and break down completely. Falling debris can cause you harm. It could also cause breaks of the window’s glass and screens by hitting on them.

  • Windows 

Exposing glass windows to high amounts of pressure can break the glass. Similar to the previous mention, this one is as well as dangerous and can result in devastating outcomes at times. Avoid cleaning your house window with pressure cleaners.

  • Roofs and shingle

Pressure cleaning can destroy the inner asphalt layer and cause water leakage ultimately. It can break into undetectable pieces of the roof’s asphalt, causing it to destroy the insulation of your home. While it is difficult to pinpoint the tiny granules lost on the whole roof, you may have to redo your roof’s asphalt all over again.

The ultimate answer

It’s best to contact a well-reputed cleaning company. This helps you to get professional advice on the right schedule. Not only can they offer better cleaning; they also use their expertise to choose the best cleaning agent in accordance with your building’s age, the material used, current condition before cleaning and many more factors. 

You could always communicate if you have any concerns or even issues regarding your home to them.


While soft washing keeps the pressure of the water at controlled levels, there is no possibility of physical damages by its water pressure. Many agree on the fact that soft washing is the safest method to approach house cleaning. Call us today for a free quote! (352-538-2669)

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