Soft washing is the process of cleaning and sanitizing an exterior surface through chemicals and detergents. It’s a different process than pressure washing as it relies on the power of the chemicals and detergents as opposed to high pressure water to complete the cleaning. When you hire an individual, or a company to soft wash your surface, the process will look a little different than other exterior maintenance processes.
The first thing done when soft washing a surface is the application of the chemicals or detergents directly onto the surface. The chemicals and detergents are then left to soak on the surface from 15 to 20 minutes. While the chemicals or detergents are soaking on the surface, they are working to break down the dirt and grime at the molecular level. Though 15 to 20 minutes is the recommended time for the chemicals or detergents to sit and soak on your surface, the amount of time truly depends on how dirty the surface is to begin with; the dirtier the surface, the longer the chemicals or detergents will need to sit in order to completely clean and sanitize the entirety of the surface.
The next step in the soft washing process is to wash away the chemicals or detergents that were initially applied to your surface. This is done by a low-pressure (under 500 PSI), wide-nosed nozzle. It’s important to rinse all of the chemicals or solution off of your exterior surface to ensure no chemical reactions are taking place after the cleaning process is completed. As you use the low pressure wash to wash away the chemicals and detergents that were initially applied, the dirt and grime will wash away with it. From there you will be left with a clean surface, free of any harmful bacteria or fungus.
Contact us today at Pressure Pro’s for a free quote! (352-538-2669)